Accreditations and Awards

Fusco is committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace for all workers and visitors to their worksites. They recognise that their employees are their most valuable asset and as such strive to provide them with a safe and healthy work environment. Fusco are accredited and certified holders of the Australia Standard in Work Health and Safety, ISO45001:2018.

All employees and 3rd party contractors are required to undertake a rigorous training and induction program in Fusco’s WHS best-practice policies. Fusco management are assiduous in ensuring continued compliance with these policies.

Fusco’s management are very conscious of the need for their projects to comply with reigning environmental management regulations and policies and are themselves strong advocates for the need for a responsible and pragmatic approach to our environmental obligations.

Being well aware that construction sites can be very damaging to the immediate environment, Fusco undertakes a Site Environmental Management Plan on each project and implements such mitigation procedures as might be required.

As well as this, Fusco Constructions sought too and achieved certification in the Australia Environmental Management Systems standard, ISO 14001:2015.

Fusco are accredited and certified holders of the Australian Standard for Quality Management, ISO 9001:2015.

This certification was principally sought to ensure that Fusco are seen to be an efficient, capable, and responsible company which clients can contract with confidence and consistency.

Fusco Constructions prides ourselves on our work health and safety management, it’s our number 1 priority. Seeking to raise our safety standards even further, Fusco Constructions received The Office of the Federal Safety Commissioner (OFSC) accreditation. In order to get accredited by the OFSC, a builder must have a work health and safety management system in place that meets the OFSC Audit Criteria and demonstrate that it is being implemented and followed on-site. As a result, accredited builders have higher quality safety systems and undergo regular OFSC audits to ensure their compliance with the Scheme’s requirements. It also means that the OFSC has certified the builder’s safety management system as meeting the requirements of the Scheme and as such, they can tender for Australian Government projects.

Fusco Constructions are proud of the hard work that has gone in to receiving this accreditation.

2021 MBASA Excellence in Civil/Engineering Construction Award 

Awarded for the construction of the SA Water, water supply project at Kanpi, Murputja and Nyapari in the remote APY Lands.

2022 MBASA Affordable and Public Housing Award 

Awarded for the invaluable role Fusco Constructions played in building 1 and 2-bedroom studios for the not-for-profit organisation, Kids Undercover.

 2022 MBASA Supporting Local Industry Award 

Clear recognition of how invested Fusco Constructions is as a family-built company that supports, mentors, and engages local talent and business.